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Protecting Your Pet (And Your Family) From Ticks

Protecting Your Pet (And Your Family) From Ticks

Ticks are an external parasite that are prevalent across North Carolina and pose a serious danger to people and pets. Today our vets explain what to look for and how to keep ticks away from your pets and your family.

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Why should my pet have a fecal exam?

Why should my pet have a fecal exam?

Fecal exams give your vet the opportunity to check your dog or cat for intestinal parasites which are otherwise difficult to detect. Annual fecals are the best way to ensure that your pet and your family are safe from intestinal parasites. 

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How do I know if my pet has Lyme disease?

How do I know if my pet has Lyme disease?

Lyme disease in dogs is spreading throughout Western Carolina Region. Here, our Flat Rock area vets shed some light on what symptoms you can look for if you're concerned that your pet may have Lyme disease.

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